Thursday, October 27, 2011

Chicago Public Libraries

We love the library.  We've been to different branches throughout the city and some are better than others but they are all a great asset to their neighborhoods.  A few years ago when I was home with a three year old and a baby we went to the library literally every week.  Now we go every two or three weeks, which I think is more normal but we still get so much from our visits.  My daughters love books and we own so many but after awhile they all get a little stale.  The ability to check out 30 books at a time is so incredibly great.  Rarely do we check out that many because they get a little heavy to carry home, but we usually get somewhere around 15 books per trip - and we always find something new.  It is really crazy to me when I hear people with young children say they have never been to the library.  Most neighborhoods have easy access to a library and it is really easy to get a library card.    All you have to do is go to a library, fill out a really basic form, and show them your drivers license or two forms of identification. That's it - super easy.  Even your kids can get their own library cards.

Recently Mayor Emanuel has proposed cutting library hours even further (hours were already shortened about a year ago) and reducing library staff City wide.  I don't want this to be a political post because obviously to balance the City budget cuts will have to be made and I'm sure it is difficult to find a place to make cuts that don't upset someone. I just think when a situation like this arises it makes you appreciate something that perhaps is often taken for granted. I really just want to celebrate the great libraries we have and for this post to be a reminder of what a fabulous and free activity a trip to the library is. 

Besides access to free books and DVDs, the libraries also have great childrens programs.  Most libraries have story hour for toddlers and preschoolers.  I've been to a lot of these story times and they are really great for introducing new books to kids and teaching young kids how to sit quietly, listen, and be respectful to the reader.  Every year the libraries also provide a summer reading program.  There is always a theme with lots of special activities to go along with it, the libraries get a bunch of new books related to the theme and if your child completes the reading program they get a free T-shirt.  In addition at the library you can check out museum passes that will get you into most of the museums in the City for free.  You can return your books to any library in the City regardless of where you checked them out and can request books from other libraries to be sent to your local library and held for you.  If you haven't been to the library lately, or at all, it is worth checking out.  The website provides information on hours and events at all of the branch libraries plus allows you to search for books. 

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